The Cultured Warrior #060 | Dig in and keep twitching.
Death is awful. Â Over the last 10 years I've buried more than twice as many friends and family members as I've been on second dates. Â I'm not fishing for sympathy; I'm trying to gain perspective. Â Everyone grieves differently. Â The past couple weeks' travel obviously limited my training which is typically how I gain said perspective.
However, on at least one day I opted for a workout to "sweat out some demons" and "clear my thoughts"; or something like that. Â It was a balmy 115'F heat index in Peoria, IL and by the end of a 60 minute AMRAP I couldn't really tell the difference between sweat, snot, spit, and tears. Â Mission accomplished.
From NonProphet:
Twitching: Â Death will change you if you can't change yourself.
Death creates pause; whether we choose to reflect in that pause is optional, the rupture to a placid perception of reality is not. Â This isn't a "silver lining" or a "blessing in disguise." Â If you can't silence the noise, then the music stops too. Â Novelty memes rarely catch my attention; but I noticed one that read something like:
The things we say at someone's funeral; we should say to them at every birthday.
To no one's surprise, I'm not the cheer-leading type; but there is some genuine truth to that sentiment. Â By the time we pay tribute it's often too late. Â What if everything we meant to say by "goodbye" we exchanged shortly after "hello?"
Wake up. Â Dig deeper. Â Go further. Â Take your coffee black, your steak rare, and your whiskey neat. Â Say please and thank you. Â Tell people you love them and own your mistakes. Â Leave political correctness and virtue signaling to the diplomats. Â Laugh and play until your cheeks hurt and your feet are dirty. Â Grit your teeth and clinch your fists until the world is yours.
Most importantly. Â Don't wait. Â We pay dearly for every second we spend, every word we say, and especially the ones we don't say. Â
At this particular juncture I could echo the original "Twitching with Twight" article.  B‌ut instead I'll present an evolution.  When you buy Mark's most recent book, Poison, the back cover is watermarked with a heart. Â
Indeed, the book includes a 2011 article, "The Mind is Primary." Â The implication being that the body will, secondarily, follow. Â Also included is a 2016 article, "Heart > Mind." Â The book ships with this sticker:
‌Figure it out.  Keep twitching.
Odds & Ends:
All of my "modern" workouts are now in a Google Photos album:
Pursuant to my Tier 1 and Tier 2 "proven" strength plans; I am working on a "Tier 3 and beyond." Â The above sessions should be considered reflection fuel.