Starting a new series to offer short looks behind the scenes of my most recent training, diet, and lifestyle practices and experiments.
I hope you realize that it takes many week, usually at least 6-8 to complete a training programs, so reviews can be rather spaced out, particularly once ideas get formulated and drafts get written.
I hope this quick snaps from time to time will satiate your appetite!
First, I’ve grown to loath “what I eat in a day” or “day on a plate” types of posts because they tend to imply that everyone should be eating that particular way. When, in reality it is a literal snapshot of perhaps an experiment or a current habit (that is about to go awry).
They’re also just not that important. What happens to be working for one person at a particular time, or not working, or just what they’re doing at that moment — or not even what they’re eating, just the curated stage they’ve published — isn’t a good fit for everyone.
With that said, people keep asking. Usually I resist because I am constantly trying and tweaking brand new things, or just shifting seasonally.
At any rate, with all of that out of the way, here’s what my diet looks like 10ish weeks out from my next competition:
Some notes from recent experiments:
White Rice = gas
Sweet Potatoes = gas
Cashews (in large amounts) = gas
Dairy (all) = body acne
So, the carbohydrate sources I’ve settled on are:
Grapefruit: low fructose, good glycemic control (inositol)
Banana: delicious and convenient
Maple Syrup: cheaper and cleaner than honey
As you can see above, carb sources are focused around training times. Before training is less about “pre-workout performance fuel” and more about “pre-recovery” so that the things I want in my blood post-workout are there without delay (e.g. driving home from the gym).
This is also in the context of doing more endurance and aerobic capacity work, but we’ll have to save that for the next update!
Tags: locker-room-updates