"Because the world is so full of death and horror, I try again and again to console my heart and pick the flowers that grow in the midst of Hell."
~ Hermann Hesse
Welcome to spooky season. It’s almost that time of the year for dreaded listicles to come out. Yes, I’ll have some too. For now, stay present. Stay focused. Keep moving forward.
This month I’ve covered a recovery overview, lamenting bygone mentors, and supplements for improving testosterone. Additionally, I’ve included articles dispelling the myth of man-only-hunters (women have always hunted too) and breathing to improve neurological function.
What’s New:
The Myth of Man the Hunter: Women’s contribution to the hunt across ethnographic contexts
The sexual division of labor among human foraging populations has typically been recognized as involving males as hunters and females as gatherers. Recent archeological research has questioned this paradigm with evidence that females hunted (and went to war) throughout the Homo sapiens lineage, though many of these authors assert the pattern of women hunting may only have occurred in the past.
A framework of transient hypercapnia to achieve an increased cerebral blood flow…
Altogether, this narrative review presents a theoretical framework by which exercise-induced hypercapnia by utilizing nasal breathing during moderate-intensity aerobic exercise may promote greater health adaptations and cognitive improvements than utilizing oronasal breathing.
Shout Out:
I’ve mentioned my friend Alvaro (@sfninja) before for launching his training platform iwannabe.fit. Recently he made two trips to the Red Bull Athlete Performance Center to coach Olympic Break Dancers. Below is a short description he wrote:
During my trip to Red Bull, I had the incredible opportunity to collaborate with high-level breakers (dancers) who are on their way to the 2024 Olympics in Paris. I shared my expertise in physical therapy, strengthening, conditioning, and nutrition to enhance their performances. Red Bull’s athletic performance center, a state-of-the-art gym, provided all the necessary amenities for training professional athletes. I’m deeply honored to have been a part of this experience, and I’m grateful to my friend Lino for inviting me along.
For the record, I asked him; “How much Red Bull do they drink at Red Bull?” He said, “Probably none, but there are coolers of it in every room.”