Savage / Zen Newsletter No. 82
December 2023: Fear, Death, Sleep, Cholesterol, Testosterone, and Recovery.
In the coming months I’ll be rolling out paid subscription content under the “Premium” tag on this site. The subscription cost will be set to the minimum Substack allows. Once the content is live, posts older than 2-years will be archived and you’ll need a paid subscription to access them. However, a 7-day free trial will be set up for you to sample the new content.
You can read more about the process and new developments here:
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Recent Articles:
Exploring Sleep and Testosterone Supplements: An Animal Pak Review
For an even more granular cost:benefit analysis, see the following note:
Olympic Weightlifting: A Novice's Endeavor
What I’m Reading:
Reducing saturated fat intake lowers LDL-C but increases Lp(a) levels in African Americans
Acute nasal breathing lowers diastolic blood pressure and increases parasympathetic contributions.
As with the notorious 100 Deadly Skills Series, this book continues the tradition of being an easy and entertaining read. You won’t be ready to join an Amish community afterwards, but there’s a plethora of information to get you started or at least peak an interest in everything from home-building to hunting, solar panels to emergency communication.
The book does a great jobs of recurrently reminding folks that living on/off grid isn’t a binary decision and highly circumstantial. Any or all of these ideas in the book can be applied in isolation or combination to, as the subtitle says, improve self-reliance and live a more simple — though rugged and difficult — existence.